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Announcement: Taking a little break

Send to Sleep, by Cynthia Sheppard, Owned by Wizards of the Coast © All Rights Reserved.

Before I say anything else, this is only a short 2 week break. With exam season, Mother's Day, and so much new content to digest, our brains are on overload, and we need to take it down a step, just to get back on track.

However, fear not. In the following weeks, we will be returning to our full swing with the following:

-Returning to our weekly articles, ranging from primers to discussion.

-For the first time, releasing a "Banned List" (stay tuned for details).

-Game Play Series: Episode 3 is on the drawing board, feat. the Legendary creatures of Dominaria.

Despite this small break, our Discord will still be active, and we will still be active with conversation and more dense discussion.

We appreciate all of you for understanding, and we are excited to come back to full swing very soon. We will be returning with fresh material on May. 30th / 2018!





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